Tunnelling Association of Canada
Association canadienne des tunnels
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IMAGE: Evergreen Line Tunnel, Coquitlam, BC, 2015
Calendar of Events
Year: Region:
Date Location Event Contact
Mar 20, 2025Lone Star Texas Grill - 930 Dixon Rd, Toronto, OntarioTAC Ontario Chapter Event - Current and Future Tunnel Projects in Ontario
Topic: Current and Future Tunnel Projects in Ontario

The Ontario TAC Committee will be presenting their annual update on the current status of tunnelling projects in Ontario (both current and upcoming).

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025

Presenter: Ontario TAC Committee

Location: Lone Star Texas Grill (930 Dixon Rd, Toronto, Ontario)

Time: 5:30 p.m. (Registration) 6:00 p.m. (Presentation)

Registration Cost:

$10 - TAC Members
$20 - Non-members
$10 - Government Employees

Registration Link
Mar 26, 2025Steamworks Brewpub – Uber Room, 375 Water St., Vancouver, BCTAC BC Vancouver TAC Talk
Join the TAC BC Chapter for the upcoming presentation event on Design and Construction of Sydney Metro Wester – Western Tunnelling Package featuring speaker Brendan Henry (P.Eng BC, C.Eng MICE), Practice Leader for GHD Tunnels.

Design development of Tunnels in Sydney Metro West - Western Tunnelling package: This presentation explores the design and construction of mined rail yard tunnels, TBM running tunnels, and cross passages. It highlights key design challenges and showcases successfully completed works.

Delegates will gain an understanding of the design and construction of the rail yard access tunnels with Roadheader in Sandstone and the complexity of the tunnelling around the portal location and the design and excavation of the running tunnels with twin double shield TBMs.

About the speaker:
Brendan has 30 years of experience on a wide range of tunnelling and heavy civil engineering projects as contractor and designer, working in UK, Singapore, Canada and for the last 14 years, Australia, arriving in 2008 as Engineering Manager for the TBM Tunnels on Airport Link with John Holland. Brendan has now been with GHD for 12 yrs, working on all phases of tunnel project delivery and most recently on pumped storage hydroelectric and water security projects.

Registration Cost:
$5 for members, $10 for non-members, includes one beverage and shared appetizers (paid at the door)

Please RSVP your interest in attending to Alexander MacKinnon at alexander.mackinnon@wsp.com and Julian Arambarri at jarambarri@aldeaservices.com.

Payment will be processed on site.
Apr 17, 2025Lone Star Texas Grill - 930 Dixon Rd, Toronto, OntarioTAC Ontario Chapter Event: The role of mechanized shaft sinking with VSM in inner-city applications
The role of mechanized shaft sinking with VSM in inner-city applications

Stefan Frey
Product Manager VSM – Shaft Sinking
Business Unit Utility Tunnelling
Herrenknecht AG

Space on the surface is becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. Safe and economic construction of underground infrastructure in steadily increasing depths requires mechanized tunnelling and shaft sinking solutions. Shafts are needed for tunnelling operations, sewer systems, storage or for ventilation and rescue purposes in traffic tunnels.

The Vertical Shaft Sinking technology (VSM) is a mechanized approach developed to overcome challenging mixed ground conditions with high groundwater tables, and safety or economic limits of conventional methods. Since 2004, far more than 100 circular shafts have been sunk with VSM, in depths of up to 115 meters and an inner shaft diameter range from 4.5 to 12 meters. The VSM is remote-controlled from the surface, thus, it is a completely unmanned sinking procedure without personnel required in the shaft during the sinking process. It meets the key requirements for shaft construction in inner cities: no groundwater lowering, maximum production accuracy and safety, and flexible arrangement of jobsite equipment.
Due to the electrified operation of the overall VSM equipment with the possibility to be powered by the local grid, the CO2 footprint and noise emissions can be considerably reduced compared to conventional construction methods. When using prefabricated concrete segments, shaft sinking with VSM requires up to 40% less concrete for the shaft structure.

This presentation will introduce the VSM technology, with international project references in urban infrastructure projects.

About Stefan Frey:
Stefan Frey was born in 1977 in Freudenstadt, Germany. After his degree in Mechanical Engineering he started working for Herrenknecht AG in 2007 as a Project Manager in the Business Unit Utility Tunnelling, in charge of worldwide Shaft Sinking and Utility Tunnelling projects. In 2016 he has become the Product Manager for Vertical Shaft Sinking Equipment (VSM). His focus is on the further development of mechanized shaft sinking and the evaluation of its applicability in international underground projects.

Registrater HERE!
Nov 16-18, 2025Vancouver, B.C.Save the Date: 2025 TAC Workshop
We are excited to announce the first-ever TAC Workshop on Safety in the Canadian Tunnelling Industry, set to take place from November 15-18, 2025, in Vancouver, B.C.!

The workshop will focus on the critical topic of Safety in tunnelling, bringing together industry experts to share insights on topics such as Statistics, Regulations, Legal, Ground Risk, Insurance, Design, Fire- Electrical, Training, and Owner/ Contractor Debates. If you are a member of our industry, then you need to be there!

Stay tuned for more details to come.
May 15-21, 2026Montréal, Québec, CanadaThe WORLD TUNNEL CONGRESS 2026: Montréal
Planning is underway for the WTC 2026! Get excited to join us in Montréal to meet high-profile leaders, decision-makers, and influencers from around the world.

The Call for Abstracts will be launched in March 2025 followed by Registration in June 2025.

In the meantime, be sure to join the conversation! We are excited to launch the www.wtc2026.ca website, distribution list as well as the World Tunnel Congress 2026 (WTC 2026) LinkedIn page!

These platforms will keep you updated on all things related to the World Tunnel Congress in Montréal, including the theme "Connecting Communities through Underground Infrastructure / Connecter les communautés au moyen d'infrastructures souterraines."

Stay tuned for the latest news, insights, and opportunities to engage with fellow tunnelling enthusiasts in 2026!

Let’s connect and shape the future of our industry together! Exhibitor & Sponsorship opportunities are now available.

Visit the event website for all the details!


Tunnelling Association of Canada
Association canadienne des tunnels
1 Eglinton Ave. E., Suite 705
Toronto, ON M4P 3A1, Canada
Tel: 1-416-840-7616
© 2022 Tunnelling Association of Canada