Tunnelling Association of Canada
Association canadienne des tunnels
Join TAC
British Columbia Chapter (Vancouver)

Email: BritishColumbia@tunnelcanada.ca

About the British Columbia Chapter
Primary Centre: Vancouver, BC

The British Columbia Chapter offers 8 to 10 evening presentations annually at Steamworks Pub in Vancouver, 375 Water Street, with invited speakers on a wide variety of topics (doors open at 5:30 pm and presentations begin at 6:15 pm). Active TAC members and non-members are welcome. The cost is $5 for members, $10 for non-members, and includes one drink (beer/wine) and appetizers (please bring your TAC membership card or payment receipt for the year).

See the upcoming events listings below to learn more about upcoming presentations. Please RSVP your interest in attending to Alexander MacKinnon at alexander.mackinnon@wsp.com and Julian Arambarri at jarambarri@aldeaservices.com. Last minute attendees are also welcome! And please let us know if you are interested in presenting (or know someone who might be).

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the TAC British Columbia Chapter consists of the following members:

Chair (TAC Director, British Columbia & Young Members)
Nichole Boultbee
Aldea Services
Aaron Nickoli
Event Coordinator
Alexander MacKinnon
Member (TAC Past President)
Erik Eberhardt
University of British Columbia
Member (TAC President)
Bruce Downing
Member (TAC Director)
Connor Langford
Mott MacDonald
Event Coordinator
Julian Arambarri
Aldea Services

Upcoming Events

Mar 26 2025
Steamworks Brewpub – Uber Room, 375 Water St., Vancouver, BC
TAC BC Vancouver TAC Talk
Join the TAC BC Chapter for the upcoming presentation event on Design and Construction of Sydney Metro Wester – Western Tunnelling Package featuring speaker Brendan Henry (P.Eng BC, C.Eng MICE), Practice Leader for GHD Tunnels.

Design development of Tunnels in Sydney Metro West - Western Tunnelling package: This presentation explores the design and construction of mined rail yard tunnels, TBM running tunnels, and cross passages. It highlights key design challenges and showcases successfully completed works.

Delegates will gain an understanding of the design and construction of the rail yard access tunnels with Roadheader in Sandstone and the complexity of the tunnelling around the portal location and the design and excavation of the running tunnels with twin double shield TBMs.

About the speaker:
Brendan has 30 years of experience on a wide range of tunnelling and heavy civil engineering projects as contractor and designer, working in UK, Singapore, Canada and for the last 14 years, Australia, arriving in 2008 as Engineering Manager for the TBM Tunnels on Airport Link with John Holland. Brendan has now been with GHD for 12 yrs, working on all phases of tunnel project delivery and most recently on pumped storage hydroelectric and water security projects.

Registration Cost:
$5 for members, $10 for non-members, includes one beverage and shared appetizers (paid at the door)

Please RSVP your interest in attending to Alexander MacKinnon at alexander.mackinnon@wsp.com and Julian Arambarri at jarambarri@aldeaservices.com.

Tunnelling Association of Canada
Association canadienne des tunnels
1 Eglinton Ave. E., Suite 705
Toronto, ON M4P 3A1, Canada
Tel: 1-416-840-7616
© 2022 Tunnelling Association of Canada