Focused on introductory topics, the webinar series will strive to teach basic tunnelling themes not often taught in school but beneficial to those working in the industry. If you’re a student, just starting your career, or someone who likes to continually learn, then you’ll be sure to pick-up something new.
Tunnelling 101 –TBM Guidance System
Presentation Overview:
Ever wonder how a tunnel boring machine (TBM) navigates itself underground? After sometimes dozens of kilometers, how does the TBM arrive where we want it within millimeters of tolerance? The answer is the TBM guidance system. Through a combination of surveying, TBM piloting and ring selection, the TBM guidance system helps the crew navigate the underground and keep the machine on track! This presentation shows the most recent progress in TBM Guidance Systems; offering solutions to enhance the quality of tunnel segments and fostering improved interaction between the field and office.
Tunnelling 101 – Introduction to SEM
The New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM), also referred to as Sequential Excavation Method (SEM) or SCL (sprayed concrete lining), was developed in the 1950s when shotcrete was first used systematically to stabilize squeezing ground in a water diversion tunnel at the Runserau Hydroelectric Power Project in Austria. In the following years, the method was advanced in theory and practice and adapted to be suitable for virtually all ground conditions. Since its first application in an urban environment in the Frankfurt Clay in 1968, means and methods have evolved further and a substantial number of NATM/SEM tunnels have been constructed, many of them in dense urban settings, with adverse ground conditions and low overburden.
SEM is an observational tunneling method which combines a detailed excavation and support design with continuous evaluation of the support’s behavior during construction. The initial support design is adjusted and optimized to improve performance or enhance safety justified by the field observations and gained experience. The design of the initial excavation support is based on the geotechnical information, the geometric requirements, the design codes, assumptions, and loading conditions.
Tunnelling 101 – Machine Learning in Tunnelling – Not If, but When!
Machine Learning (ML) is playing an increasingly role in our personal and professional lives. But what does it mean, exactly? Is it the same as or different from Artificial Intelligence? Can I use it in tunnelling? Will it take my job?! This presentation will introduce how various ML algorithms work, discuss how you could use it in your tunnelling projects, and present some cutting-edge examples of ML in tunnelling projects around the world.
Tunnelling 101 – An Introduction to Geological and Geotechnical Site Investigation and Characterization
Tunneling is a complex process which exposes construction staff to physical/safety risks and owners and contractors to serious financial risk. These risks are directly related to the complexity of the geological and geotechnical conditions along a given tunnel alignment. Thorough site investigation represents a cost-effective means to minimize geotechnical risk associated with tunneling projects. This presentation will provide an introduction to site investigation planning and staging, data collection and testing methods, and interpretation.
Tunnelling 101 – Introduction to Risk Management
Underground construction projects differ from other construction types due to the unique environment in which the construction takes place; it is diverse and fewer risks are foreseeable prior to project implementation. As such, knowing how to manage these risks throughout the project (design through to construction) is critical for the project to be successful. This presentation provides an overview of how risk management can be used in underground construction projects and the benefits it provides in terms of cost and schedule certainty. Through case studies, you’ll see how risks can either completely disrupt project progress or be managed appropriately so that the project can keep moving.
Tunnelling 101 – Drilling and blasting practices in tunnel construction
This 60-minute webinar will introduce technical concepts pertaining to the use of explosives for fragmentation and extraction of rock during the construction of tunnels. The presentation will be divided in two segments: fragmentation and detonation theory, and explosives types and special applications. The first segment will present a broad overview of key concepts associated with rock fragmentation by blasting. This segment answers basic questions such as what causes rock fractures during a blast? Or how important are gases in the fragmentation and projection of broken rock? The second segment will give an overview of the different explosive products used in the industry and present a series of applications pertaining to rock blasting in tunnels. Some case studies will briefly be discussed to highlight some challenges associated with vibrations in urban environments.
Tunneling 101 - Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and Performance-based analysis
In Geotechnical earthquake engineering, performance-based design (PBD) is based on tolerable displacement criteria and has become part of practice and engineering code. It has been widely used for developing remediation strategies for geo-structures such as underground structures, embankment dams and sloping grounds under design seismic loadings. There are two crucial requirements for implementing PBD: acceptable performance criteria and a reliable method of analysis.
Although a nonlinear analysis can be essential for checking the seismic performance of geo-structural systems due to the nonlinear behaviour of soil under strong shaking, simplified analyses are widely adopted in engineering practices and industry as a criterion for selecting areas requiring more advanced analysis and prioritizing remediation interventions. The incorporation of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) in such methods provides a valuable tool to evaluate the effects of local seismicity and tectonic settings on the performance of geo-structural systems.
In this presentation, an example of embankments and sloping grounds in Greater Vancouver, based on the local tectonic of BC are considered where the criterion of acceptable performance is usually specified by tolerable displacements of the soil body. PSHA and local seismicity and their effects are elaborated, and the difference between a probabilistic solution and a traditional pseud-probabilistic method is also shown. Based on realistic and more accurate results of PSHA-based PBD, this kind of analysis is recommended for future seismic evaluations in the area of geo-structural systems.
Tunneling 101 - Dispute Review Boards – An Introduction and Personal Reflections
This webinar will introduce you to the use of Dispute Review Boards on tunnelling projects. The history of their development will be discussed, as will their purpose and role in tunnelling projects, their selection and operation, and statistics that demonstrate their value. Variations on the Dispute Review Board concept that are being used in Canada will also be discussed. Our presenter, John Westland, will provide some personal reflections from his experience serving on tunnel Dispute Boards.
Tunneling 101 - An Introduction to Excavation induced Settlement Analysis and Impact Assessment
Tunneling in urbanized areas poses significant challenges due to the potential impacts on existing nearby assets. Conducting construction impact assessments is essential in tunnel design to understand these impacts and develop effective mitigation strategies. Impact assessments cover a wide range of topics, including estimating surface and subsurface ground movements, complex modeling of ground relaxation, soil-structure interaction, and structural behavior under tunnel-induced deformations.
Beyond traditional deterministic analysis, probabilistic risk assessment can be utilized to address the various uncertainties in design and analysis. The integration of digital techniques and automation tools can significantly enhance the speed and accuracy of the design workflow.